There's a simple rule to effective outdoor advertising: less is more. Try to stick to one benefit or promise. Unless you're speaking to a target audience that is stuck in traffic, assume they have only a few seconds to read your message. Simply put, If you try to say everything, you'll communicate nothing.
As the lead creative for GEM/Fattal&Collins in Los Angeles, I helped revolutionize the way entertainment was advertised. In a strictly design-driven industry, there were very few, if any, ads that featured conceptual advertising hooks. Coming from a product advertising background, I felt entertainment could be sold the way products were traditionally sold, with unique selling points and consumer benefits that would support more concept-driven, headline-dominant ads. The following are classic examples. My work for clients like ABC-TV, TNT, FX, and more, not only captured the attention of the entertainment advertising industry in LA, but also, earned multiple awards from organization like the Advertising Club of Los Angeles, the Ad Club of New York, the Hollywood Radio & Television Society, the Broadcast Promotion & Marketing Association, and Hollywood Reporter, to name a few.
These ads that I wrote for FOX are two classic examples of my push to move away from traditional design approaches of entertainment advertising to a more bold, concept-driven approach.

Richard Attenborough's Trials of LIfe was an amazing nature special. In order to raise the six-day series to an event status, TNT needed bold advertising that would communicate a week long commitment of entertainment to the viewer.